In just 60 days, we'll teach you everything you need to know to trade for yourself.
Students Taught
We provide you with all the essential resources and support to help you excel in trading
Whether you're trying to understand the basics or exploring advanced strategies, we are always there to answer any question!
Learn alongside like-minded traders and work together towards trading success.
Avium was created by traders who want to teach trading the right way.
We believe everyone can learn to trade successfully, as long as they're willing to try. With countless hours of experience in both trading and teaching, we're here to help you focus your efforts, avoid common mistakes and become self-sufficient.
We know trading can be tough—because we've been through it ourselves. From chasing the highs and selling the lows to taking revenge trades, we've made our share of errors. It took us years to learn, but we're here now, using that experience to make things easier for you.
That's why at Avium, we focus on helping those who are truly committed to learning. We believe anyone can become a successful trader with some dedication and effort. Let us guide you every step of the way to trading success!
The Mentorship
Designed for beginner to Intermediate traders with portfolio's up to 100k.
Requirements: A minimum $5,000 portfolio size, as well as a strong desire to learn.
Designed for: Traders of any skill level looking for guidance in the markets.
Requirements: A minimum portfolio size of $100k
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In just 60 days, we'll teach you everything you need to know to trade for yourself.
Students Taught
We provide you with all the essential resources and support to help you excel in trading
Whether you're trying to understand the basics or exploring advanced strategies, we are always there to answer any question!
Learn alongside like-minded traders and work together towards trading success.
Avium was created by traders who want to teach trading the right way.
We believe everyone can learn to trade successfully, as long as they're willing to try. With countless hours of experience in both trading and teaching, we're here to help you focus your efforts, avoid common mistakes and become self-sufficient.
We know trading can be tough—because we've been through it ourselves. From chasing the highs and selling the lows to taking revenge trades, we've made our share of errors. It took us years to learn, but we're here now, using that experience to make things easier for you.
That's why at Avium, we focus on helping those who are truly committed to learning. We believe anyone can become a successful trader with some dedication and effort. Let us guide you every step of the way to trading succ
Designed for beginner to Intermediate traders with portfolio's up to 100k.
Requirements: A minimum $5,000 portfolio size, as well as a strong desire to learn.
Designed for: Traders of any skill level looking for guidance in the markets.
Requirements: A minimum portfolio size of $100k
Copyrights 2025 | © Avium